Saturday, January 17, 2009

how blog advertising works?

Already many programs that produced dollar at this time, but whether you had enjoyed results? If you had a blog and wanted to get some cash and want to advertise on blogs through your blog, better you tried this paid review program, I introduced to you PayingPost as a paid review program that was different. In fact the similar program already a great number, but PayingPost possibly was different from the available program. beginning with the registration up to the ratification, PayingPost possibly was considered to be quite fast to carry out the checking every time had the new registrar in their program, and only needed 1x24 hours to be waiting the result from admin is our blog approved or not by them.

The other surplus that was owned by PayingPost was from the aspect of job review that was offered. In the similar program, as the new registrar we will not get job review immediately, but be different from PayingPost, where all the member who was agreed to him blog, immediately will get job review for the first time. As the condition so that could receive job review we were only required to insert a script code that eventually will function as authentication that quite true we as the owner from blog that has been registered by us. When you finish, all you have to do is search the available job review at the Opportunities menu at your member area. Every available job review has a different rule, so you must read the rules before you decide to accept the opportunities. After that you must write some review form the opportunity that you choose in your blog, then submit your review article the post title and the post url to the opportunity that you choose. Thats it, and you're done! :)

If you were interested, you could gather with us right now, and at the same time you could know the other surplus available in the program that was offered by PayingPost.


  1. was wis wus . . cas cis cus . . yes . . no . . ok dech . . hihihihihi

  2. wedew..oy bisa panjang banget yak ngarang inggrisnya heuehueheueeuh

  3. Dapet job $5 ya bro...selamat deh

  4. dapet job dari PaidReview?
    Bagi2 ya klo udah banyak


  5. di approve jua akhirnya
    selamat wal
    ikam dapat job jua

  6. wah selamad kang semoga sukses dengan monetize blog nih kang

  7. @adi Pramana: lakasi diolah, basi kena :D
    @Cebong Ipiet: pake kamus bong... hehehe
    @blogngeblog: tengkyu wal :)
    @Ramdan: rebeees sob :)
    @rozy: kda nyangka unda mun di approve :D
    @Harry Seenthings: makasih kang, semoga sukses juga buat akang yah :)

  8. lha aq baru tau klo yoyo ngomongnya was wis wus wes wos.....
    selamad selamad...
    gut gut gut... ai smel $, don forget mi ya yo...trit mi :D

  9. wew review lancar neh...

  10. saya mau ikutan, tapi mengko ndisit..., masih ragu dengan bahasa bule saya :) selamat buat mas yoyo

  11. @Else: ukey, I dun porget yu la :D
    @Anna 'dTeepZ: repiew pertamax inih bu' :)
    @Baka Kelana: sama²
    @munawar am: ikutan aja mas, saiya juga masih ditemani kamus swuper gwede mas, klo gak ada kamus bule, saiya gak bakalan bisa ngerjain repiew ini :D

  12. congratulations pal! what ever it is.. ^_^

  13. Asik yang dapet job.... makan2

  14. nice tips, bro..
    thanks infonya ya

  15. @lina: makasih bu' :)
    @Paman Gober: wekekeke, belum ada hasilnya bro, jadi lom isa makan² :D
    @rully taraka: sama-sama bro


Jangan lupa... habis dibaca tinggalkan komentarnya dibawah ini yah.

Makasih :)